Saturday, March 29, 2008,

I have a story,i heard this from my teacher:

There was this blind woman who has no relative and nothing to lose.She had a man,her boyfriend who loved her very much,he loved her as much as he could give,he gave him his time when she was in happy and sad moments.This blind woman wanted to get married with him but she was blind,and her boyfriend mother didn't accept it.They continued their romance for a period of time until,she received a pair of eyes.She was so happy and told the news to his boyfriend,"i got a pair of eyes i can finally marry you!",but his boyfriend doesn't sound so good,and he said he is just feeling scared of something.After a few weeks ,she was able to see things clearly and went to his boyfriend,when she saw him,he saw an ugly blind man with ragged clothes.She refused to marry him and she controverted her word to him and marry with someone else.

The End

So sad ,he could sell his eyes for money and he gave it to her and she ran away what a shit...

4:41 AM

Thursday, March 27, 2008,

When i woke up in the morning,the mild breeze brushed upon me standing under the sodden grass.Mauve eyed dragon flew over the twilight night and breathing fire everywhere,burning the verdant forest and suddenly a splash of water freshened my face,and i woke up.My babysitter was lecturing me about the time,i looked behind,Damn!Mr Ding Dong (my alarm clock)didn't ring this morning,i was startled,losing all my sleepiness.

Well,i was happy today,we had a scatological joke in class(Joke about shit),we had a maniacal laughter,banging the table punching each other hand.And i got to watch 'free show',a fight between my friend one is small and one is big and fat.Richard VS Gerry,small VS big. Richard managed evade Gerry powerful fist,flashing forward.It was so cool to see a pig fight with a Gorilla and the pig win!Richard clenched both of the fist covering the face up high just right in front of his fore head enduring Gerry 's blow and Richard jump out of sudden and take him down.Gerry was furious ,his eyes filled with rancor and stand up for his imprudent decision of wanting to defeat him,"F***!"he swore running body slam him?But he missed.He hyperventilate putting both of his arm at his knee,he had another run towards Richard.Fortunately,Richard managed to punch his stomach and Gerry groaned in pain and regurgitate his breakfast.It was a short fight but exciting,i have no clue of why they are fighting but Gerry face tickles my classmates stomach.It was a supervene ending.

4:07 AM

Tuesday, March 25, 2008,

Today is Tuesday,i woke up reluctantly as the alarm rang.I stretched my hand pulling out my sore muscles near the shoulder,shaking off the tiredness.And dragged my feet to the bathroom,i took a showing dozing off a moment enjoying the warmth of the shower."6.50!"my babysitter shouted,i finished my bath and quickly gussy up.When i go out is still 6.10,i was bluff by her silly trick but i get used to it,her clock is always earlier by 40 minutes.I looked out of the window seeing the dawn and vehicles is getting busy.I wore my watch and bringing hand phone and wallet with me to school,i walk in a fast pace to the dinning room drinking a glass of milk and 2 piece of bread.I walked down the stairs ,with my flaccid eyes closing,trying to open my eyes.I almost spill the chocolate cream onto my white uniform which is in the mouth,i also forgot how it went out...
when i got onto the car i listen to the new songs my sister,Sylvie had given me.My driver sang along with me and he is so hilarious,he always say,"My name is kopyor!"kopyor is some kind of dessert.I was listening and i reached the school ,today wasn't very good,there were algae on the pond this morning and nothing good really happened.Oh ya!my friend gave me a key chain symbolize anti-Christ,the 6 triangle,yeah,sort of.It was preety nice but i didnt wear it though.Today was so boring,nothing good had happened to me today,just typical old life.When i went home,i just cut my hair ,shorten my fringe and i sleep.Boring,ya?

4:17 AM

Monday, March 24, 2008,

Today weather is cool.The blazing sun was covered by the clouds in the azure sky,the zephyr brushed my face gently with its cooling and a similar aroma of the flower near my school,SNA,Singapore National Academy.The beam of ray shone through my school's pond,from the limpid water i could see the iridescent colour of the fish swimming through inside the clear crystal pond happily.I looked around and no one was around,i came early for the 4Th time,that's a great achievement.I walked slowly to the entrance thinking of my maple story games,how i miss those day,playing without tracing the time.It melts my hearts when i think those moments,in church singing and worshiping in City Harvest Church.I just know that CHC is a good church compare to the Indonesian church.I hummed a song on the way up to the second floor.I was wondering the hair of Wee Chong,is he bald?I cant imagine his bald face,i laugh to myself when I'm going up to my class room Secondary 2 Pearl.I open the wooden painted door,felling the coldness is the air,a chill ran down my spine due to the stiffness of air in the room.i dropped my bag beside the table and bolted out of the room going to the toilet.when i went in the fetid stench hanging in the bathroom like unflushed ordure.I spend no more than 5 minutes in the toilet and went back to class.No one was there,so i just took out my drawing paper and start sketching,i just draw the face and the hair and my friend bolted into the room shouting,"Wow,at last you're early!",i was miffed and giving him none of my answer.He told me that his dog has given birth,which doesn't care to me so much but giving him a quick answer,"wow,wonderful."he was puzzled by my answer and say none and my partner beside me come,"shoo,Richard that's my place..."Well,thats Calvin a movie freak,he know all the movie that's coming and rate it,see his friendster,is all about movie."Damn!Did you do your homework?"he shout in his stentorian voice,and boomed into the empty classroom.I replied him by saying not all,yeah,actually i didn't do maths,i forgot.he copied mine and he copied mine.Then its time to get into the hall,sing the National song which is so obnoxious!Without music just choir,my gawd!After listening to the crows singing,we went back to the class.We just study ,nothing to talk about...

In a nick of time,after listening to the lecture its time to have break.I just ate what my friend ate mimicking his choice which he doesn't mind.After that, i go to Effective Program which doesn't effective to us.Joking.I Just listening to her lecture which she said is advice,"My old man is very responsible in the family and yada-yada."Then we write some opinion.She said i wrote very good .The question is,is it important to think positive when there is no other choice?i just wrote down: If We're in the cul de sac position,we at least must be positive and not to lose hope of our self.The fundamental part is when you lose hope,you couldn't see the problem right.When she said i wrote very good i was happy but shy,everyone was asking me what do i write but i just kept quiet ,especially to Ivan,the garrulous boy.I act very different in class when I'm in Singapore,I'm more a bit recluse towards people.Then,that's all nothing new actually just typical stuff.
When its time to go home,I went out waiting for my driver to fetch me looking at the verdant coconut tree sway side by side following the flow is very relaxing its just a je ne sais quoi but only the woebegone beggar child is sitting there,pitifully.Furthermore,the forlorn child looks impecunious,before i could think and describing him my driver came and have a peregrination to my house.Boring,isn't it?

6:26 AM